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Step 1 - Press the outer decorator fabric and fold in half with right sides facing, matching selvedges and ensuring fabric is straight.
Note - There is no need to trim the ends as long as fabric is straight (Diagram 1). Fold in half again to make a square (Diagram 2).
Step 2 - With the tape measure on the centre fold measure 75cm along the edge of the fabric and mark with fabric pencil.
Continue moving the tape measure in an arc around the fabric marking at 75cm, making sure that the end of the tape measure is at the centre fold. Draw a curved line along the 75cm marks (Diagram 3).
Step 3 - Carefully cut through all four layers of fabric along the curved line and unfold the circle.
Step 4 - For the inner circle cut inner lining decorator fabric into 2 x 1.5m lengths. Press and place lengths right sides together with selvedges aligned. Pin and sew together down one side 2cm from the selvedge. Trim seam back to 1cm removing the selvedge and press seam open.
Step 5 - With inner decorator fabric right side up place outer decorator fabric circle on top right side down, fabrics are now right sides facing. Smooth out fabrics and using the outer decorator fabric circle as a template cut out the inner decorator fabric circle.
Step 6 - Measure around the edge of the circle (approx. 5m). Cut 6cm wide strips from left over inner decorator fabric and join together on the bias to make one long strip to fit around the edge of the circle. To double hem short ends fold and press under 1cm then another 1cm and topstitch hem in place. Fold strip in half lengthways, face wrong sides together and press.
Step 7 - Pin folded strip around the outside edge of the outer decorator fabric circle with raw edges aligned, adjust length of strip if necessary. Sew to edge of circle using a 4mm seam allowance.
Step 8 - Pin the two circles together with right sides facing. Sew together using a 1cm seam allowance, leaving a 15cm opening for turning through.
Step 9 - Turn right side out through the opening and press in seam allowance of opening. Hand sew opening closed. Press well and topstitch round close to the edge of the outer decorator fabric circle.
Step 10 Attach one end of cord to a safety pin or bodkin and thread through the casing. With the mat flat, not gathered at the edge, knot ends of cord together and cut off excess cord.