Spotlight And Starlight Children’s Foundation

Spotlight And Starlight Children’s Foundation

Getting creative is a great way to keep your mind off the stresses of life, and at Spotlight we put this creative power to good use by helping out our good friends at Starlight Children's Foundation. Since 2018 we've been delighted to help kids forget their worries and pain through the power of art, craft and play, by providing everything from simple craft supplies to helping fulfil sick kids' Starlight Wishes.

For the month of May, we are fundraising for Starlight with the goal of raising enough money to grant 20 wishes to children in need. Discover the impact of granted wishes and creative play by reading the stories below!



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How Starlight Children's Foundation Brings Joy To Sick Kids

Granting a wish to seriously ill children gives them something meaningful and exciting to look forward to - it's something that brings the child and their family even closer together and creates a once-in-a-lifetime memory that the child will treasure forever. And for kids undergoing treatment, a visit from Captain Starlight is a great way to bring joy to any child in hospital!


Aru's story

Aru's Story

Smital and her baby daughter Aru experienced a life-altering visit to the doctor's office, discovering Aru's severe health issues, including a collapsed lung and heart failure. Aru needed a heart transplant, leading to months of hospitalisation, where they found solace in the Starlight program. Despite ongoing medical complications, Aru's spirits were lifted by Captain Starlight's visits, bringing joy and distraction during difficult times. For Aru and her family, Starlight has become a crucial source of positivity and support amidst their hospital-centred life.

Now seven years old, Aru loves doing arts and crafts in the Starlight Express Room, as well as singing and dancing with Captain Starlight every time she's in the hospital.

Henry's Story

Henry's Story

A shocking diagnosis of Stage 5 Nephroblastoma meant Henry's life was changed forever. He endured 46 weeks of chemotherapy, three weeks of radiation and 9 hours of surgery, which left him quiet, shy and withdrawn due to the constant pain and nausea he was feeling. Fatigue, sickness and lingering hurt meant Henry was no longer himself.

It was Captain Starlight who managed to bring Henry back out of his shell with some fun and laughter! By creating crafty masterpieces, playing games and sharing silly jokes, Henry experienced a great boost in confidence and now feels much more at home when at the hospital. Now after his treatment, Henry is healthy, happy and plans to never cut his hair again.

Zack's story

Zack's Story

A sudden diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia at age 5 meant Zack's first week of school was replaced with immediate and severe treatment, with side effects like hair loss and the need to use a wheelchair to get around. With invasive procedures and frequent blood tests, Zack had to endure a lot while missing out on enjoying life with his family.

Captain Starlight's first visit centred around turning Zack's IV pole into something more friendly - Zack had already named it 'Sausage' so now it needed a full outfit, including hair and gloves! Zack was also able to enjoy time with his family in the Starlight Express Room, reconnecting with his sisters and parents and having fun together like they used to. Starlight gave Zack the opportunity to be a kid again, and his parents are thankful that so many kids will have this same source of happiness while they're in hospital too.

Help Spotlight Make Dreams Come True This May

You can help grant more wishes to seriously ill children by donating to Spotlight for Starlight Children's Foundation this May! Funds will go towards bringing Starlight Wishes to life, as well as supporting Starlight Express Rooms so kids can get crafty and have fun while in the hospital. Donate today at your nearest Spotlight store and learn more about our work with Starlight here!




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