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- 4 Seasons Pure Wool 8ply
- 4 x 50g balls each of colour - cream, lime, teal
- 3 x 50g balls each of colour - red, orange, green
- 6mm Crochet Hook
- Scissors & needle for sewing
- stitch markers
( ) - work sts in brackets into same st
repeat instructions in brackets a number of times shell - group of sts
v-st - V-stitch, (1tr 1ch 1tr) in same st
hdtr = half double treble - (yoh twice, pull up lp in next st, yoh, pull through two lps, yoh, pull through last three lps)
3tr cluster = (yoh, pull up lp in next st, yoh, pull through 2 lps,) three times, yoh, pull through all four lps)
4tr cluster =(yoh, pull up lp in next st, yoh, pull through 2 lps,) four times, yoh, pull through all four lps)
popcorn = work 6 trs in one st, pull hook out of the working lp, put hook through top of 1st tr, then back into working lp, yoh, pull through 2 lps. fpdc over cluster = insert hook through both 1ch sps at top of cluster, yoh, pull up a lp, yoh, pull through 2 lps
tr dec = decrease in trs - (yoh, pull up lp in next st, yoh, pull through 2 lps,) twice, yoh, pull through all three lps)
FO = Finish Off
Dec = Decrease
Standing stitches are use at the start of every round, this way each starting stitch and round will begin at the height needed for that round without the use of beginning chain.
Standing dc -slst on hook, hook through st indicated, pull up loop, yoh, pull through 2 loops
Standing htr -slst on hook, yoh, hook through st indicated, pull up loop, yoh, pull through all three loops.
Standing tr -slst on hook, yoh, hook through st indicated, pull up loop, yoh, pull through 2 loops, yoh pull through 2 loops.
When working in htr the instructions specify which loop to work in. Either the front most loop, the top front loop or the top back loop.
Note: The mandala is worked in rounds. Each round is a different colour unless stated otherwise. (some rounds are worked in two colours, while some are worked twice utilising the back & front loops) The 1st st of every row should be worked as a standing stitch.
Each round is started with a standing st, and finished with a slst into that 1st st. Each round is started in a different part of the round to keep the mandala circular. All stitches are worked front to back unless otherwise stated.
1st Round:Using red, 8dc in a magic circle, slst into 1st dc, FO.
2nd Round: Using teal, (2tr 1ch) in any st, * (2tr 1ch) in next st, repeat from * 6 times, slst into 1st tr, FO.
3rd Round: Using orange, 1 dc in any ch sp, * 2 ch, 1dc in next ch sp, repeat from * 6 times, 2ch, slst into 1st dc, FO.
4th Round:Using cream, 5 tr in any 2ch sp, * 5tr in next 2ch sp, repeat from * 6 times, slst into 1st tr, FO.
5th Round:Using orange, 1dc in flp of middle tr of any 5tr shell, * 1 dc in next tr, fptr around dc from row 3, 2ch, fptr around same dc, sk 2 sts, 1dc in next 1 st, ** 1 flp dc in next st, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
6th Round:Using green, 5 tr in any sp between two 5tr shells of row 4, * 1tr in blp of middle tr in row 4, 5tr in next sp, repeat from * 6 times, 1tr in blp of middle tr in row 4, slst into 1st tr, FO.
7th Round:Using orange, 1dc in blp of middle tr of any 5tr shell, * 1dc in blp next tr, 1ch, dec dtr around next 2 fptr from row 5, 1ch, sk 3 sts, 1dc in blp of next 2 trs, repeat from * 6 times, 1dc in blp next tr, 1ch, dec dtr around next 2 fptr from row 5, 1ch, sk 3 sts, 1dc in blp last st, slst into 1st dc, FO.
8th Round: Using cream, Popcorn in any single tr of row 6, * 3ch, dc in blp of middle tr in row 6, 3ch, ** popcorn in next single tr of row 6, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st popcorn, FO.
9th Round: Using orange, 1dc in any middle dc of row 7, 1dc in next dc, * 2dc in 3ch sp, 1dc in top of popcorn, 2dc in 3ch sp, ** 1dc in next 3dc of row 7, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1dc in next dc of row 7, slst into 1st dc, FO.
10th Round:Using lime, 1dc in of top of any popcorn, *3tr in 3ch lp of row 8, 1tr in next dc, 3tr in 3ch lp of row 8, 1dc in top of next popcorn, repeat from * 6 times, slst into 1st dc, FO
11th Round: Using red, 1htr in any middle tr of row 10, * 1htr in next 3 sts, 3htr in next si, 1htr in next 3 sts, ** 1htr in next middle tr, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st htr, FO.
12th Round:Using teal, 1dc in any middle htr, * 1ch, 1dc in next 3 sts, fptr around dc in row 10, sk 1 st, 1dc in next st, 1fptr around same dc in row 10, sk 1 st, 1dc in next 3 sts, 1ch, ** 1dc in next st, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
13th Round: Using lime, 2htr in dc between any 2 fptrs, *1htr in fptr, 1htr in next 3 sts, 1htr in 1ch sp, 1dtr around middle tr of row 10, 1htr in 1ch sp, 1htr in next 3 sts, 1htr in fptr, ** 2htr in next dc, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1htr in fptr, slst into 1st htr, FO.
14th Round: Using cream, 1dc in 1st htr on left of any dtr, 1dc in next 11 sts, * 1ch, 4tr cluster in dtr, 1ch, ** 1dc in next 12 htr, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
15th Round: Using teal, 1fpdc over any cluster, * sk 1dc, 1dc in next 3 sts, fpdtr around ftptr in row 12, 1dc in next 5 sts, 1fpdtr around fptr of row 12, 1dc in next 3 sts, ** 1fpdc over cluster, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st fpdc, FO.
16th Round: Using red, 3trs in any middle dc of 5dc, * 1tr in next 2 sts, 1htr in fpdtr, 1dc in next 3 sts, sk 1 st, 1dc in next 3sts, 1htr in fpdtr, 1tr in next 2 sts, ** 3tr in next dc, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
17th Round: Using green, 1dc in blp of any middle tr, 1dc in blp of next 3 sts, * 1dc in next 3 sts, dec dc over next 2 sts, 1dc in next 3 sts, ** 1dc in blp of next 7 sts, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1dc in next 3 sts, 1ch, slst into 1st dc, FO.
18th Round: Using teal, 1htr in any dc on the left of the dec in round 17, 1htr in next st, * 1fptr around the fptr in round 15, 1dc in flp of next 8 sts, fptr around next fptr in round 15, sk 1 st, ** 1 htr in next 5 sts, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1 htr in next 2 sts, slst into 1st htr, FO.
19th Round: Using cream, 1dc in st next to any fptr to right of cluster, 1dc in next 3 sts, * sk fptr, 1dc in blp of next 8 sts in row 18, sk fptr, ** 1dc in next 4 sts, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1 dc in next 2 sts, slst into 1st dc, FO.
20th Round: Using lime, 2tr in st above any fptr to right of cluster, * 1tr in next 3 sts, 2tr in st above fptr, 1htr in next 3 sts, 1dc in next, 1htr in next 3 sts, ** 2tr in next st, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
21st Round: Using teal, 2dc in any single dc, * 1dc in next 5 sts, fpdtr around fptr in round 18, sk1, 1dc in next st, fpdtr around fptr in round 18, sk 1 st, 1dc in next 5sts, ** 2dc in next st, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
22nd Round: Using cream, 1tr to left of any 2nd fpdtr, 1tr in next 4 sts, *2tr in next 2 sts, 1tr in next 5 sts, 1tr in next 3 sts, ** 1tr in next 5 sts, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
23rd Round:Using teal, *1fpdtr dec over any 2fpdtrs, sk 1 st, 1dc in next 16 sts, repeat from * 7 times, slst into 1st fpdtr dec, FO.
24th Round: Using lime, *2tr in any fpdtr dec, 1tr in next 16 sts, repeat from * 7 times, slst into 1st tr, FO.
25th Round:Using red, 1dc in 2nd tr of any 2 tr, *1dc in next 7 sts, sk 1 tr, 7 fptr around post of next tr, turn work 180 degrees, 7 fptr around skipped tr, turn back to right way up, ** 1dc in next 16 sts, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1dc in next 8 sts, slst into 1st dc, FO.
26th Round: Using teal, 1dc in next dc past any 2tr of row 24, 1dc in next 7 sts, *1dc in next 9 sts, 1 fpdtr around fpdec in row 23, **1dc in next 8 sts, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
27th Round: Using teal, 1tr in fpdtr, 1tr in next 2 sts, 6 chain, hold ch to front, change to lime, 1tr in next 3 sts, 6ch, hold ch to front, * change back to teal and pick up ch of colour 1, 1tr in next 3 sts, 6 chain, hold ch to front, ** change to lime and pick up ch of colour 2, 1tr in next 3 sts, 6ch, hold ch to front, change to teal repeat from * 22 times, slst ch into 1st tr of same colour, change to lime slst ch into 1st tr of same colour. FO both colours.
28th Round:Using red, 1tr in 1st tr of any 3tr blpck, 1tr in next 2 sts, * sk and hold 6 ch lp of last row to front, 1tr in next 3 trs, repeat from * 46 times, slst into 1st tr, FO.
29th Round: Using cream, 1htr in 1st tr of any 3tr blpck, 1htr in next 2 sts, * 1htr in sp between next 2 sts picking up the 6ch lp below, 1htr in next 3 trs, repeat from * 46 times, 1htr in sp between last 2 sts, picking up last lp, slst into 1st htr, FO.
30th Round:Using green, 1htr in blp of any htr, 1htr blp on next 191 sts, slst into 1st htr, FO.
31st Round:Using lime, 1htr in blp of 1st htr next to any htr holding a teal lp of row 29, 1htr in blp in next 2 sts, * fphdtr around htr holding lime lp, sk 1 sts, ** 1htr in blp of next 7 sts, repeat from * 22 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1htr in blp of next 4 sts, slst into 1st htr, FO.
32nd Round: Using teal, 1htr in blp of any fphdtr, 1htr in blp in next 3 sts, * fpdtr around htr holding teal lp, sk 1 sts, ** 1htr in blp of next 7 sts, repeat from * 22 times, repeat from * to ** once, 1htr in blp of next 3 sts, slst into 1st htr, FO. 33rd Round: Using lime, 1dc in any fpdtr, ** 4ch, sk 3 sts, ** 1dc in next st, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
34th Round a:Using orange, 5tr in any 4ch lp to the right of a fpdtr in row 32, * 2ch slst into 4ch lp 2ch, ** 5tr in next 4ch lp, repeat from * 22 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
34th Round b: Using green, 5tr in any 4ch lp wth a slst in it, * 1ch, sk 1tr, 1dc in next 3 sts, 1ch, sk 1tr, ** 5tr in next 4ch lp with a slst in it, repeat from * 22 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
35th Round:Using cream, 1htr in 1ch sp, between any orange and green 5tr shell with orange on the right, *1htr in next 5 green sts, 1htr in next 1ch sp, 1htr in next 3 sts, 1htr in 1ch sp, 1htr in next 2 sts, 1dc 7ch 1dc in next st, 1htr in next 2 sts, 1htr in 1ch sp, 1htr in next 3 sts, 1htr in 1ch sp, 1htr in next 5 sts, 1htr in 1ch sp, 1htr in next sts, 1dc 7ch 1dc in next st, 1htr in next st, ** 1htr in 1ch sp, repeat from * 6 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st htr, FO.
36th Round: Using teal, 1dc in top lp of 4th st past any 7ch lp, 1dc in top lp in next 4 sts, *1ch, 1dc in top lp in next 5 sts, sk 3 sts, (7tr, 4ch slst into 1st ch, 7tr in 7ch lp), sk 3 sts, ** 1dc in top lp of next 5 sts, repeat from * 14 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
37th Round: Using lime, 1tr in blp of any htr next to a dc of row 35, 1 tr in blp of next 13 sts, sk 2 dc, ** 1tr in blp on next 14 sts, repeat from * 14 times, repeat from * - ** once, 1 slst into 1st tr, FO.
38th Round:Using green, 1tr in any tr, 1 tr in next 223 sts, slst into 1st tr, FO.
39th Round:Using cream, 1dc in any tr over skipped sts in round 37, 1dc in next 6 sts, * 1dtr in 1ch sp of row 36, 1dc in next st, 1dtr in same 1ch lp, ** 1dc in next 13 sts, repeat from * 14 times, repeat from *-** once,1dc in next 6 sts, slst into 1st dc, FO.
40th Round:Using orange, 1dc in blp of st next to any 2nd dtr, 1dc in blp of 12 sts, * 1dc in dtr, cluster around post of next tr in round 38, 1dc in dtr, ** 1dc in blp of next 13 sts, repeat from * 14 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
41st Round:Using lime, 1htr in any st, 1 htr in next 256 sts, slst into 1st htr, FO.
42nd Round: Using cream, 1dc in any st to the left of cluster in round 40, 1dc in next 14 sts, * 1fpdtr dec around both dtrs in round 38, ** 1dc in next 15 sts, repeat from * 14 times, repeat from *-** once, slst into 1st dc, FO.
43rd Round: Using teal, v-st into any fpdtr dec, * sk 2 sts, v-st in next, sk 2 sts, v-st in next, sk 1 sts, v-st in next st picking up the 4chp lp from round 36, sk 1 st, v-st in next st, sk 2 sts, v-st in next st, sk 2 sts, ** v-st in next fpdtr dec, repeat from * 14, times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into st tr FO.
44th Round: Using orange, 3tr cluster in any v-st, * 2ch, ** 3tr cluster in next v-st, repeat from * 94 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
45th Round: Using lime, 4tr in any 2ch sp, 4 tr in each 2ch sp to end of round, slst into 1st tr, FO.
46th Round:Using cream, 1dc in 3rd tr of any 4tr shell, 1dc in next st, * htr in top of cluster in round 44, sk 1 st, **1dc in next 3 sts, repeat from * 94 times, repeat from *-** once, 1dc in next st, slst into 1st dc, FO.
47th Round a: Using green, 1tr in blp of 1st dc in any 3dc shell, 1tr in blp if next 2 sts, * 6 ch, sk 5 sts, ** 1 tr in blp of next 3 sts, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from *-** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
Hold round 47a to the front, working all of round 47b to the back
47th Round b: Using lime, 1tr in blp 1st dc in any skipped 3dc shell, 1tr in blp if next 2 sts, * 6 ch, sk 5 sts, ** 1 tr in blp of next 3 sts, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from *-** once, slst into 1st tr, FO. Work 47c in flp only
47th Round c: Using cream, 1slst into flp of 2st tr of any 3tr shell in round 47a, 1sl in flpo of next 3 sts, *1ch, 1dc in 6ch lp of 47a, 1ch, sk 1 st, 1slst in flp of next 7sts, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from *-** once, 1slst in next 3 sts, slst into 1st slst, FO.
48th Round: Using red, 1tr in 1st tr of any 3tr shell in round 37b, 1tr in next 2 sts, * 1ch, (keeping 6ch lp to front,) 1 tr in next 3 sts of 37a, 1ch, ** 1tr in next 3 sts of 37b, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr, FO.
49th Round:Using cream, 1htr in 1st tr of any 3tr shell over shell in round 37b, 1htr in next 4 sts, * 1ch, 1dc in 6ch lp of round 37b, 1ch, sk 1 st, **1htr in next 7 sts, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from *-** once, 1htr in next 2 sts, slst into 1st htr, FO.
50th Round: Using teal, (1tr 1ch 1tr 1ch 1tr 1ch) in any dc, * sk 2 sts, 1dc in next 5 sts, sk 2 sts 1ch ** (1tr 1ch 1tr 1ch 1tr 1ch) in next 1dc, repeat from * 46 times, repeat from * to ** once, slst into 1st tr. FO. Finish off and sew in all ends. The information on this project sheet is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given, nor results guaranteed. Quantities and selections may vary at each store.