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Level: Intermediate
- 'Keep Sake' 100% Organic Wool 50g x 1 ball each of 6 Colours (C1-cream), (C2-charcoal), (C3-dark brown), (C4-latte), (C5-beige), (C6-grey).
- 1 pair 4mm knitting needles or size required to give correct tension.
- Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure
Width (approx): 17 cm
Length (approx):190 cm
23 sts x 30 rows to 10cm over stocking st, using 4mm needles.
Using 4mm needles, cast on 40 sts as follows - 20 sts using C4 and 20 sts using C3.
Note - When changing colours in the middle of a row, twist the colour to be used (on WS) underneath and to the right of the colour just used. Use a separate ball of yarn for each section of colour.
Keeping colours correct, work 5 rows garter st (1st row is WS).
Beg 1st Diamond - 1st row (RS) - K19 C3, K2 C1, K19 C4.
2nd row - K4 C4, P15 C4, P2 C1, P15 C3, K4 C3.
3rd row - K18 C3, K4 C1, K18 C4.
4th row - K4 C4, P14 C4, P4 C1, P14 C3, K4 C3.
5th row - K17 C3, K6 C1, K17 C4.
6th row - K4 C4, P13 C4, P6 C1, P13 C3, K4 C3.
Keeping movement of diamond correct (working 1 less st either side of diamond in next and every foll alt rows) cont as in last 6 rows until the 26th row - K4 C4, P3 C4, P26 C1, P3 C3, K4 C3, has been worked.
27th row - K7 C5, K26 C1, K7 C6.
28th row - K4 C6, P3 C6, P26 C1, P3 C5, K4 C5.
29th row - K8 C5, K24 C1, K8 C6.
30th row - K4 C6, P4 C6, P24 C1, P4 C5, K4 C5.
31st row - K9 C5, K22 C1, K9 C6.
32nd row - K4 C6, P5 C6, P22 C1, P5 C5, K4 C5.
Keeping movement of diamond correct (working 1 less st either side of diamond in next and every foll alt rows) cont as in last 6 rows until the 52nd row - K4 C6, P15 C6, P2 C1, P15 C5, K4 C5, has been worked.
Rows 1 to 52 incl form first diamond.
Beg 2nd Diamond - 1st row (RS) - K19 C6, K2 C2, K19 C5.
2nd row - K4 C5, P15 C5, P2 C2, P15 C6, K4 C6.
3rd row - K18 C6, K4 C2, K18 C5.
4th row - K4 C5, P14 C5, P4 C2, P14 C6, K4 C6.
5th row - K17 C6, K6 C2, K17 C5.
6th row - K4 C5, P13 C5, P6 C2, P13 C6, K4 C6.
Keep movement of diamond correct as in last 6 rows until the 26th row - K4 C5, P3 C5, P26 C2, P3 C6, K4 C6, has been worked.
27th row - K7 C4, K26 C2, K7 C3.
28th row - K4 C3, P3 C3, P26 C2, P3 C4, K4 C4.
29th row - K8 C4, K24 C2, K8 C3.
30th row - K4 C3, P4 C3, P24 C2, P4 C4, K4 C4.
31st row - K9 C4, K22 C2, K9 C3.
32nd row - K4 C3, P5 C3, P22 C2, P5 C4, K4 C4.
Keep movement of diamond correct as in last 6 rows until the 52nd row - K4 C3, P15 C3, P2 C2, P15 C4, K4 C4, has been worked.
Rows 1 to 52 incl form second diamond.
Rep 1st and 2nd diamonds 4 times more, then 1st diamond once, thus working last row on WS ... 11 diamonds in all.
Using colours as set, knit 5 rows garter st.
Cast off loosely knitways.