Christmas Elf Head Pin Cushion Project

Level: Easy


  • 10cm of Plain cotton jersey
  • Felt Squares- red, green, brown,pink & black
  • 5x 13mm yellow pom poms
  • 1x 25mm yellow pom poms
  • Perle or topstitching thread - matching and slightly darker than felt colours
  • Hobby fill
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue
  • Hand needle
  • Sewing machine and sewing thread
  • Pencil


*Use a 5mm seam allowance unless stated otherwise

Step 1 - Using templates provided:

- Cut 2x head shapes from cotton jersey fabric

- Cut 2x hat shapes from green felt

- Cut 1x crown and 1x collar shape from red felt

- Cut 2x cheek shapes from pink felt

- Cut 2x eyes and 1x smile from black felt

Step 2 - Sew or glue- eyes, cheeks and smile to the front of one of the head pieces.

Step 3 - Pin the inner curve of the collar to the base curve of the front face head piece. Sew collar to face, clipping curves where needed.

Step 4 Girl - pin to top of the hair base curls to the base of the face piece either side of the collar just under the ears. Sew in place.

Boy - pin the top of the top curl to the middle top of the face piece, sew in place.

Step 5 - Pin the base of one of the hat pieces to the top of the face piece. Sew hat to face, clipping curves where needed. Repeat to attach the other hat piece to the other head piece.

Step 6 - Place the back head with hat on top of the front face with hat and pin together enclosing the collar. Sew together around all edge leaving an opening at the base behind the collar. Clip all seams and curves and turn face right way out through the opening.

Step 7 - Stuff the face with hobby fill firmly to desired fullness. Hand sew opening closed.

Step 8 - Sew or glue the crown to the front of the face over the joining seam of the hat.

Step 9 - Sew or glue 13mm pom poms to the each of the points of the crown.

Step 10 - Sew or glue a 25mm pom pom to the top point of the hat.



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