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Level: Beginner
What You'll Need:
Fabrics used: Xmas Basics Cotton Fabric - Candy Canes (White), Baubles (Black), Baubles (White), Fairy Lights (White), and Scandi Snowflake (Red/Natural)
- For each stocking:
- 30cm Fabric A for outer stocking
- 30cm Fabric B for lining & cuff
- 60cm 13mm Grosgrain Ribbon
- Matching Gutermann thread
- Pins
- Tape measure
- Scissors
- Seam ripper
- Hand needle
- Sewing machine
- Stocking template
- Cardstock to make template
- Frixion marker
Read all instructions carefully before commencing the project.
Trace the template provided onto cardstock and cut out on the lines.
Reference the downloadable project sheet for project pattern diagrams.
- From Fabric A cut two rectangles 24cm wide x 26cm.
- From Fabric B cut two rectangles 24cm wide x 26cm long and one strip 26cm wide x 20cm for cuff.
Note - 1cm seam allowance used throughout unless otherwise indicated.
Step 1 - Place one Fabric A and one Fabric B rectangle together with right sides facing and pin together across top edge. Sew together and press seam open.
Step 2 - Place remaining Fabric A and Fabric B rectangles with together with right sides facing and pin together across top edge. To create an opening for turning stocking through to right side, from left-hand edge mark at 11cm and at 17cm. Sew together across the top stopping at 11cm mark to backstitch. With needle up, lift presser foot and move fabric to the 17cm mark. With presser foot down backstitch then sew to the end and press seam open.
Step 3 - With Step 1 right side up place Step 2 on top face down, matching seams and with Fabric A to Fabric A and Fabric B to Fabric B.
Note - the opening in seam will be on top. Pin together around outside edge.
Step 4 - Place top straight edge of stocking template along the seam and trace around the edge. Flip template over and with top of template along the seam trace around the edge.
Note - stocking toes will be facing same direction.
Step 5 - Sew together along the traced lines and trim seam to 6mm, carefully clip curves. Turn right side out through opening. Press well.
Step 6 - Place lining into outer pushing into toe and smoothing out at seams. Fold open edge of top to inside and press. Stitch around top close to edge.
Step 7 - With cuff strip right side facing fold in half matching short sides and pin. To create the channel for the ribbon measure down 12cm from top and mark, measure down another 2cm and mark again. Sew together down side stopping at 12cm mark to backstitch. With needle up, lift presser foot and move fabric to the next mark and with presser foot down backstitch then sew to the end. Press seam open and turn right side out.
Step 8 - Fold cuff in half with top section to the inside, matching raw edges with side opening on outside. To create channel for ribbon start at side seam and sew around cuff 2cm down from fold, the sew around cuff 2cm down from first row of stitching.
Step 9 - Press bottom raw edges under 5mm to inside and sew together 3mm from fold.
Step 10 - Place cuff over top edge of stocking with channel opening along the seam on the heel side of the stocking not toe side. Pin to top edge of stocking. Sew cuff to stocking close to top edge. Thread ribbon through channel cutting ends on angle.