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Level: Easy
- 6 x CRAFTERS CHOICE Cotton Twist Macrame Cord 50M (Natural)
- 2 Packs x ARBEE Wood Round Bead 8pk, 20mm
- 1200mm x 19mm Dowel, Pine (hardware store)
- Cup hooks for hanging.
- Rubber Bands - to hold wrapped cords, with more taken out as needed.
- Sticky Tape can be used to wrap around the ends to prevent fraying.
Finished size: 94cms wide (not including dowel) x 160cms long.
Note - To better manage this work, you can support each end of the rod on the backs of chairs and work sitting down.
When referring to cord numbers, it is a new count from left to right to identify the working cord to use.
WC - Working Cords, term given to cords to make knots.
FC - Filler Cords, term given to cords that knots are made around.
Step 1: Cut 60 x 5 metre WCs.
Step 2: Attach WC to rod, using a LH knot. Total 120 WC
Step 3: Thread a bead on WC 1 then every 17th Cord to end. Secure beads in place with a Half Hitch knot on the ends, and a square knot (with single FC) on beads in the middle of the work.
Step 4: Skip 5 cords and work 2 SKs with next 8 cords (this is the middle of 2 beads) work the knots close to the LH knots . Repeat in the middle of the remaining 6 spaces between beads.
Step 5: Skip first 7 cords, work 1 SK with next 4 WC. Repeat in each space and work 1 SK in the middle of the 2 SKs from previous row.
Step 6: Using 2nd cord as FC lay diagonally below SK triangle to sit approx. 2cms lower, using next 7 WCs work DDHHR with each cord. Using the 16th cord as FC, lay on a diagonal from right to left to meet at the point, and work DDHHL with WCs 15-8. Then work an additional DDHHL with first FC. to complete the point. Repeat across work to complete 7 triangles.
Step 7: With WCs 8, 9, 10 & 11, work 7 HK, work will naturally twist a complete turn. Repeat with the centre 4 WCs at the bottom of each triangle point.
Step 8: Using first 4 WCs work a SK so the complete knot sits level with the bottom of the twisted knots. Skip 9 WC, *and work 2 SKs with next 8 cords, skip 8 WCs, repeat from * 5 more times, skip 1 more WC and work a SK with last 4 cords.
Step 9: Work a VDHHL with first 2 WCs, skip 13 WCs, *and work 1 SK with next 4 WCs, Skip 12 WCs, repeat from * 5 more times, skip 1 more WC and work a VDHHR with last 2 cords.
Step 10: Cross over WCs 9&10, to create FCs and lay cords diagonally to sit approx. 2cms below SKs. Work a row of DDHHL around first FC with cords 8 to 2.
Step 11: Work a row of DDHHR around 2nd FC with WCs 11 to 17. Cross over the 2 WCs in the middle of the next twist, lay cords diagonally as FC to work DDHHL knots with WC 25 to 19 (leave WC 18 free), Continue to Work these sets of Diagonal Half Hitch rows, leaving centre cord free (this will be the same cord that was used for the first bead). Once complete you will have 6 Hexagonal shapes, and 2 halves on either end.
Step 12: Work 3 VHHL knots, with first 2 WCs, skip 14 WCs, and work a SK with next 3 WCs (just 1 cord in the middle) work an additional HK. Repeat the SK & HK with the centre 3 WCs of each point, 6 sets in all. Work 3 VHHR knots with the last 2 cords.
Step 13: Repeat Step 3 to add beads. Working an additional VHH on each end, and additial HK below SKs.
Step 14: Repeat Steps 4 to 6 to complete the base of these hexagon shapes with the first row of SKs, level with the SKs below the beads.
Step 15: Using first 3 WCs, make a SK (only 1 middle cord) 6cms from inverted point.
Step 16: Skip 12 WCs, and make a SK (3 middle cords) 6cms from inverted point. Repeat across work, 8 SKs in all.
Step 17: Using last 3 WCs, make a SK (only 1 middle cord) 6cms from inverted point.
Step 18: Skip 7 WCs, *and work 1 SK with next 4 WCs, 12 cms from point of hexagon, skip 13 WCs, repeat from * 6 more times.
Step 19: Skip 5 WCs, * and work 2 SKs with next 8 WCs, below previous SK, skip 9 WCs, repeat from * 6 more times.
Step 20: Skip 3 WCs, * and work 3 SKs with next 12 WCs, below previous SK, skip 5 WCs, repeat from * 6 more times.
Step 21: Repeat Step 19.
Step 22: Skip 7 WCs, *and work 1 SK with next 4 WCs, skip 13 WCs, repeat from *6 more times to create 7 Diamonds
Step 23: Measure 29 cms down from the bottom of the SK in Steps 15 to 17, and repeat the knots from Steps 15 & 17.
Step 24: Measure 21cms down from the bottom of the SK diamond in Steps 18-22, repeat the knots in Steps 18 &19, then repeat Step 22 to make 7 smaller diamonds.
Step 25: Measure 22 cms down from the bottom of the SK in Step 23, and repeat the knots in Steps 15 to 17.
Step 26: Measure 20cms down from the bottom of the SK diamond in Step 24, repeat the knots Steps 18 to 22 make 7 diamonds.
Step 27: Measure 23 cms down from the bottom of the SK in Step 25, and repeat the knots in Steps 15 to 17.
Trim ends randomly across bottom and tie of with an OK.