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- Skirt & ankle frills: 60cm of 112cm wide of plain cotton drill
- Legs: 35cm* of 112cm wide of plain or printed cotton drill
- Feet & straps: 25cm of 112cm wide of plain cotton drill
- Lining: 20cm of 112cm wide of plain or printed cotton fabric
- 10cm of Medium iron on interfacing
- 1m of Pom Pom trim
- Jingle bells
- 2x Christmas buttons
- Hobby fill
- Scissors, Pins, Tape measure/ruler, hand needle
- Sewing machine & matching threads
*Allow more for nap or patterned fabric. All seam allowances are 1cm unless stated otherwise
Step 1. Using templates provided, cut:
- 2x stocking legs (pattern match fabric if needed)
- 4x top band of skirt from fabric
- 2x top band of skirt from interfacing
- 2x skirt frill
- 4x ankle frill
- 4x feet
- 2x lining
- And 2x straps measuring 6cm wide by 45cm long
Step 2 - Legs. With right sides facing, pin and sew the outer sides of the legs together. Press seams open. Turn right way out. Pin pom pom trim to the base of each legs aligning raw edges. Sew to legs with a zipper foot 5mm in from the raw edges. Turn back to inside out. Pin and sew inner leg seam together being careful not to catch any pompoms within stitching. Clip curves, press seams open, turn legs right way out.
Step 3 - Feet. With right sides facing pin the two feet pieces together. Sew edges together leaving the top edge open. Clip and trim seams. Repeat with other foot. Turn right way out, press. To make the foot frills, with right sides facing pin two frill pieces together along the zig zag bottom edge. Sew bottom edges together beginning and stopping stitching 1cm from the side edges. Clip and trim seam. Open out frill pieces then pin and sew the sides together leaving the top straight edge open. Turn seam to inside and press frill flat right way out. Baste top edge together. Repeat with other frill. Place frill over the top of the foot, aligning raw edges and with right sides facing. Pin and sew together 5mm in from edge. Repeat with other foot.
With right sides facing, pin feet to the base of each of the legs ensuring the toe of each of the feet are pointing outwards to the sides. Using a zipper foot, sew the feet to the legs. Turn feet and legs right way out. Stuff the feet with hobby fill to desired firmness. Add some more hobby fill to the legs, not too firm to just below the crotch of the legs.
Step 4 - Skirt. To make skirt, make the in the same way as the foot frills. Pin the skirt to the top edge of the legs aligning raw edges. Sew together over basting. Pin pom pom trim to top edge and sew as before with a zipper foot to top of skirt.
Step 5 - Top band & straps. Press in 5mm along both of the long edges of the cut straps, then fold in half aligning pressed edges. Sew together by top stitching along both of the long sides 3mm in from outer edges. Press flat. Apply interfacing to the back of two of the band pieces. Sew pieces together along the shorter edges to form a loop, turn right way out and press flat. With right sides facing pin band to the top of the skirt. Using a zipper foot, sew band to skirt together being careful not to catch any pompoms within stitching. Press seam up and top stitch if desired. Pin straps to the top of the band as per the markings on the template aligning raw edges. Sew straps to band 5mm in from top edge.
Step 6 - Lining and facing. With right sides facing, pin and sew the lining pieces together leaving the top straight edges open and an 18cm opening along the base. Clip curves and press. Sew the band facing the same way as the skirt top band. Pin the band to the top of the lining with right sides facing. Sew together and press seam open. One foot at a time, place legs and skirt through the opening at the base of the lining until the top edges of the lining and the outer top band of skirt is aligned. Pin together right sides facing, ensuring that the straps and placed down within between layers. Sew together. Pull the lining up, right side out above skirt and legs. Sew the opening in the base of the lining closed. Push the lining and facing to the inside of the skirt stocking. Press top edges flat with the straps up free from the stocking. Top stitch along the top edge 3mm in from edge.
Step 7 - embellishment. Hand sew jingle bells to the tip of each of the shoes. Hand sew buttons to the front of the band underneath the straps.