Koosh Cotton Blend Blanket Project

Level: Intermediate

What you'll need:

  • Moda Vera Koosh Cotton Blend 100 g balls:
    • 1st Colour (C1) De Ja Vu x 2
    • 2nd Colour (C2) String x 3
    • 3rd Colour (C3) Grenada Blue x 2
    • 4th Colour (C4) Vanilla x 2
  • Size 4 mm circular needle (80 cm) or size required to give correct tension
  • Scissors, yarn needle, tape measure


Width (approx. excluding border): 90 cm

Length (approx. excluding border): 100 cm


22 sts to 10 cm in width over patt, using 4 mm needles.


Bobble = knit into front, back and front of next stitch, turn and K3, turn and P3, turn and K3, turn and sl 1, K2tog, psso (bobble completed).

Using 4 mm circular needle and C1, cast on 244 sts.

Note - Work in rows, not rounds.

Beg patt -

1st row (WS) - Purl.

2nd row - K3, inc in next st, K4, sl 1, K1, psso, K2tog, K4, inc in each of next 2 sts, K4, sl 1, K1, psso, K2tog, K4, rep from to last 4 sts, inc in next st, K3.

Rep 1st and 2nd rows for 3cm, ending with a 1st row.

Bobble row (RS) - K3, inc in next st, K1, bobble, K2, sl 1, K1, psso, K2tog, K2, bobble, K1, inc in each of next 2 sts, K1, bobble, K2, sl 1, K1, psso, K2tog, K2, bobble, K1, rep from to last 4 sts, inc in next st, K3.

Next row - Purl.

Rep 1st and 2nd rows for 3cm, ending with a 2nd row.

Break off C1.

Using C2, rep from to once. Break off C2.

Using C3, rep from to once. Break off C3.

Using C4, rep from to once. Break off C4.

Using C1, rep from to once. Break off C1.

Rep from to until work measures approx 100cm, completing a full colour block of C1 and ending with a 2nd row.

Using colour from the previous row, cast off purlways.

Lower & Upper Edgings (make 2)

Using 4 mm circular needle and C2, cast on 178 sts.

Work in rows, not rounds.

1st row (RS) - Purl.

2nd row - K2, K1, slip this st back onto left hand needle, lift the next 8 sts on left hand needle over this st and off needle, (yfwd) twice, knit the first st again, K2, rep from to end.

3rd row - K1, P2tog, drop loop of 2sts made in previous row and (K1, then knit into back of stitch) twice into it, P1, rep from to last st, K1.

Work 3 rows garter st. Cast off loosely.

Neatly stitch cast off edge of edging to cast on and cast off edges of blanket.

Side Edgings (make 2)

Using 4 mm circular needle and C2, cast on 167 sts.

Work as for lower and upper edgings.

Neatly stitch cast off edge of edging to side edges of blanket and corners of lower and upper edgings.





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